As you know from Organizing Your PC Part 1, I like to have all the screen space possible available. To further do this I utilize the Quick Launch Toolbar, the Taskbar and the Desktop Toolbar. Using these makes everything I need readily available but, does not use up my screen real estate. These areas are shown in the image below:
I will just give you a brief description of these areas at this time, and will go more in depth about how I got them the way they are in subsequent posts in this series.
The Quick Launch Toolbar contains all the items I regularly use and need accessible. Not all the icons shown on the Quick Launch Toolbar are standard from Windows, some I have changed to reflect something of significance to me.
The Taskbar shows me the Windows I currently have open, both minimized and maximized. I don’t need that much space and will explain why later on.
The Desktop Toolbar contains all the items on that are on my desktop , which are hidden from view, as explained in Part 1 of the series. I have it shrunk down as far as it can go but, I can still access everything by clicking on the double right facing chevrons (>>).
More on each of these in the next installment of the series.
As an update on my hurricane shutters, they are now telling me that they should be installed June 9th. That should work out well.