I publish Interesting Internet Finds monthly in the Boca Raton Computer Society’s Boca Bits monthly newsletter, and share them through APCUG‘s PUSH program with other computer/technology user group newsletter editors.
Each month, I find many more things than I can use, so have decided to start publishing some of those that were not used for the newsletter on this blog most Fridays.
I do not go into much depth about each one, I just put them out there for you to check out yourself.
CC License and Reuse
This work by Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
As long as you are using this for non-commercial purposes, and attribute the post, you can use it in part, or whole, for your newsletter, website, or blog.
If you do use this post, or parts of it, please let me know via this blog’s contact page.
Titles, Links, Short Description of Finds
How Google is tracking you, and how to avoid it
Does it annoy you that Google is tracking you? Ghacks has a Google tracking list, and some tips to avoid it.
9 Proven, Tested Tips To Extend Your Android’s Battery Life
I have a Galaxy S4 and a Nexus 7, so I am always looking for ideas to extend the battery life. There might be items you have missed in this post from MakeUseOf.
Avoid Online Tech Support Scams and PC Cleanup Solutions
At my house we get at least two calls a week wanting to help us with our computers, we have never asked for these calls nor want them. The same can happen via email, and popups. Check out this post to learn more about these kinds of scams. Do not fall for them.
How to Secure and Manage a Relative’s Computer
You have some computer knowledge and a relative keeps asking you for help with their PC. HTG provides some good information about how you can secure and manage their PC, instead of having to be there all the time.
Creative Copy Challenge is Back
Cathy tells about the writing prompt site Creative Copy Challenge’s history, a bit about what it entails, and her first post since the restart. Check out the comments for each challenge for submissions, or links to submissions. Try one of the challenges yourself. There is a great bunch of writers who take part.
I too love the site, and am glad for its return, you can read my submissions at http://sefccw.wordpress.com/tag/creative-copy-challenge/.
I have not necessarily checked each link or process out, but if listed I have used the site enough to trust them.
That said, please let me know if something doesn’t work correctly, or the listed site has incorrect information.
Feedback Requested
Were any of these finds helpful for you?
Have you had any personal experience, good or bad, with anything related to the above links?
Other Recent Finds
- Interesting Internet Finds – WE May 30, 2014 (ctublog.sefcug.com)
- Interesting Internet Finds – WE May 23, 2014 (ctublog.sefcug.com)
- Interesting Internet Finds – WE May 16, 2014 (ctublog.sefcug.com)
Very interesting sites Thank you. JM
Thanks Jack.
Which did you find the most interesting?