I publish Interesting Internet Finds monthly in the Boca Raton Computer Society’s Boca Bits monthly newsletter, and share them through APCUG‘s PUSH program with other computer/technology user group newsletter editors.
Each month, I find many more things than I can use, so have decided to start publishing some of those that were not used for the newsletter on this blog most Fridays.
I do not go into much depth about each one, I just put them out there for you to check out yourself.
CC License and Reuse
This work by Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
As long as you are using this for non-commercial purposes, and attribute the post, you can use it in part, or whole, for your newsletter, website, or blog.
If you do use this post, or parts of it, please let me know via this blog’s contact page.
Titles, Links, Short Description
USB 2.0 vs. USB 3.0: Should You Upgrade Your Flash Drives?
HTG explains that there are pros and cons to upgrading your flash drives from USB 2.0 to USB 3.0. If you are thinking making the upgrade, I recommend reading this post first and carefully checking the specifications before purchasing anything.
Going Paperless: My Process for Keeping Evernote Clutter-Free
After reading this post from Jamie, I realised that I have a lot of clutter in my Evernote, and will be attempting to cut down on the clutter, by using some of what he posts here.
18 great uses for an old Android device
If you are like me and have some old Android devices lying around, you should read this post for some interesting ideas to get some further use out of them.
Kindle Lost or Stolen? Here’s What You Need to do
If you have a Kindle, or even more than one like me, you should read and save this somewhere, for loss or theft of you Kindle. I have neither lost, nor had mine stolen yet, but I have saved this to my Evernote files for easy reference.
Find Legal Images On Google With A New Filter
If you blog, publish a newsletter, make presentations, or anything else involving the use of images, other than those created by yourself, you should read this post. It will tell you about one of many ways to find images you can legally use for your own purposes for free.
I have not necessarily checked each link or process out, but if listed I have used the site enough to trust them.
That said, please let me know if something doesn’t work correctly, or the listed site has incorrect information.
Feedback Requested
Were any of these helpful for you?
Have you had any personal experience, good or bad, with anything related to the above links?
Previous January 2014 Finds
- Interesting Internet Finds – WE January 10, 2014 (ctublog.sefcug.com)
- Interesting Internet Finds – WE January 3, 2014 (ctublog.sefcug.com)