This morning one of my coworkers, who just got a new XP machine, said he was fooling around and somehow got something asking him if he wanted to set up faxing on his computer, he said he did not know he could fax right from his machine.
I told him that most new computers come standard with a fax modem and XP (most versions of 9x also)comes with fax software, though it is not typically installed with the default installation.
He then asked how would he do this as he has his ISP through the cable company. I informed him that he would have to hook up to his fax modem with a telephone connection and it would not interfere with his online access through the cable and that I do the same thing with my DSL connection with no problems.
If you have Windows XP and a computer with a fax modem you to can send and receive faxes right from your computer, without the need of a separate fax machine or special software.
Note: If you are on a dial up connection, you will have to disconnect your online service to send or receive a fax.
Here are some links, from Microsoft, to help you get faxing up and running with XP:
How to enable and configure the Fax service in Windows XP
How to Send a Fax in Windows XP
How to receive a fax in Windows XP
How to fax a scanned document or image in Windows XP
For even more information try the results of Google search: “Windows XP” “how to fax”