Interesting Internet Finds – WE September 11, 2015

I publish Interesting Internet Finds monthly in the Boca Raton Computer Society’s Boca Bits monthly newsletter, and share them through APCUG‘s PUSH program with other computer/technology user group newsletter editors.

Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog Interesting Internet Finds Word Cloud

Each month, I find many more things than I can use, so have decided to start publishing some of those that were not used for the newsletter on this blog most Fridays.

I do not go into much depth about each one, I just put them out there for you. Check them out for yourself and let me know what you think.

CC License and Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work by Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

As long as you are using this for non-commercial purposes, and attribute the post, you can use it in part, or whole, for your newsletter, website, or blog.

If you do use this post, or parts of it, please let me know via this blog’s contact page.

Titles, Links, Short Description of Finds

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Portable Applications and the Platform

On May 20, 2015, I gave the Portable Applications and the Platform presentation at the Boca Raton Computer Society’s general meeting.

The linked Portable Applications and the Platform PDF is a version of the slides, used for the presentation, with more text information than visual.

I have used portable applications and the Platform itself for a long time. One of the best reasons is because these are free, though they might ask for a donation, and I can take all my settings with me. Home Page Screenshot

Summary of Presentation

An overview of portable applications for MS Windows in general

  • What a portable app is
  • Why to use a portable app
  • Where to get portable apps
  • What I consider essential portable apps

An overview of the PortableApps.Com Platform

  • home page
  • Platform 12.0.5 download
  • Platform install


After the presentation, I performed a live demonstration of installing the Platform v12.0.5, how to start it up, the options, the menu items, and how to install apps with the platform.

The following videos show all but the installation itself. Platform 12.0.5 Startup
This video shows how to start the platform, and explains the menu items. Platform 12.0.5 Options
This video is a  run through of the options for the platform, the defaults and what I like to change.


Do you use portable applications, with or without the Platform?

What are your favorites, or what you consider essential?

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Interesting Internet Finds – WE August 21, 2015

I publish Interesting Internet Finds monthly in the Boca Raton Computer Society’s Boca Bits monthly newsletter, and share them through APCUG‘s PUSH program with other computer/technology user group newsletter editors.

Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog Interesting Internet Finds Word Cloud

Each month, I find many more things than I can use, so have decided to start publishing some of those that were not used for the newsletter on this blog most Fridays.

I do not go into much depth about each one, I just put them out there for you. Check them out for yourself and let me know what you think.

CC License and Reuse

Creative Commons License
This work by Computers, Technology, and User Groups Blog is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

As long as you are using this for non-commercial purposes, and attribute the post, you can use it in part, or whole, for your newsletter, website, or blog.

If you do use this post, or parts of it, please let me know via this blog’s contact page.

Titles, Links, Short Description of Finds

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