How to Find a Computer User Group Near You

I was at the 2014 FACUG Spring Technology Conference, March 16, 2014, and while out on a break someone asked how to find a computer user group in another state.

I answered that they should use the APCUG User Group Locator Service (UGLS).

Here is a short (2.15 minute) video, using finding Boca Raton Computer Society as an example.


Some Reasons to Find a Computer User Group.

This time of year the snowbirds are leaving, and may want to find a computer user group near their other location.

Maybe you are relocating and need to find a computer user group there.

Or, I use it to see if there are any groups in an area when I am vacationing, so I can check them out.


This is my first attempt doing a video like this. Please let me know what you think about it.

Retired, grandfather, blogger, participating in creative writing prompt blogs, and love to read.