FACUG Conference and MySpace

At the FACUG Spring 2007 Conference, the new President James Thompson requested that everyone create a MySpace account and include himself and others on the friends list, to make it easy for everyone to communicate regarding issues pertaining to the operation of computer user groups.

To that end I have created bpca_steve, as my account and added him and several others to my friends list. (Account no longer active)

James has numerous blog entries regarding FACUG and its operation on his site http://www.myspace.com/cocoabeachsunset.

The only problem I have with using MySpace is that access is blocked through the proxy at work, so I can only really use it from home. I do like the ability to IM (Instant Message) right from within my account and have communicated with James a few times already with some ideas and comments.

I do recommend that others set up their own MySpace accounts and use them to make FACUG better, as well as enhancing the operation of their own group.

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